Between June 2007 and august 2009 your unworthy webmaster interviewed a number of well known American, English and French Rennes-le-Château related authors and researchers for Radio Rennessence. The interviews where conducted by the esoteric trojka of Philip Coppens, Andrew Gough and Corjan de Raaf (yours truly).
Fortunately we have been able to save the interviews for you and to re-present them to you through this channel.
Click the PLAY buttons to start listening to the interviews.
English Section | French Section | TOP | BOTTOM
English Language Interviews
Patrice Chaplin, June 2007 There’s a new name in Rennes-le-Château research: Patrice Chaplin. City of Secrets, Chaplin’s controversial new book unveils an entirely new twist to the conventional mystery and in the process delivers the most refreshing work in the genre in years. Oh, and it’s a love story. Patrice Chaplin’s provocative new book In City of Secrets, Chaplin draws on a life time of esoteric experience, research and associations, including friendships with Jean Cocteau, Salvador Dalí and Umberto Eco, to offer new insights into old enigmas. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, June |
Klaas van Urk, June 2007 Van Urk (1958) has so far been known to the public only in the Netherlands and Belgium as well as in a small but exquisite, predominantly French circle of long time researchers. His book ‘Search for the Holy Grail and the Ark of the Covenant’ was a bestseller in the Netherlands. In his 10-year quest for the Ark of the Covenant he followed the trail of its whereabouts across Israel, Ethiopia and the South of France. Like no other, he knitted all the known and lesser known facts together in a compelling and believable account of what really happened to the Ark and its contents. He made a number of remarkable discoveries along his journeys. He discovered the ruins of a Templar Château on the mount of Montferrand near Alet-les-Bains of which no-one believed it actually existed. Another scoop was linking the Knight Relief over the entrance of the Bieta Mariam in Ethiopia, to the almost identical right panel of the Dalle des Chevaliers (Knight’s Stone) found by Bérenger Saunière in Rennes-le-Château. Known as the Indiana Jones of the lowlands, Klaas van Urk is the real deal, including the wax coat and the hat. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, June |
Bruce Burgess, August 2007 American film director Bruce Burgess made his name when he flew into America’s top secret research facility, Area 51 more than a decade ago. His light aircraft was escorted out of the base that did not officially exist by two F-16s. In 2004, Bruce shifted focus to Rennes-le-Chateau. As soon as he set foot in the village and announced his documentary Bloodline, he became the mystery’s most wanted man. Together with producer René Barnett, the pair of documentary film makers has worked on the project for more than three years. Their voyage has taken them to mysterious meetings with alleged members of the Priory of Sion and deep into the secret of Rennes-le-Château. The documentary which will be released before the end of this year, centers around Ben Hammott’s much published discovery of a tomb near Rennes-le-Château. The tomb we are led to believe may contain none other than Mary Magdalene. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, August |
Jean-Luc Robin, September 2007 For six years, the late Jean-Luc Robin, ran the Hotel de la Tour, the hotel started by Noel Corbu in the Villa Bethania in Rennes-le-Château. Originally built by Abbé Saunière to lavishly entertain his guests, Corbu converted it into a hotel in 1955. Robin ran the hotel for six years (1994-2000). Though not the owner, he did live in the Villa, following in Corbu’s footsteps, those of Marie Dénarnaud (Saunière’s housekeeper) and Henri Buthion who had bought the hotel from Corbu in 1965. An illustrious series of people indeed. Jean-Luc died unexpectedly on March 12th 2008, on the night that his party won the local elections in Rennes-le-Château. It would have made him the mayor of the village he had loved so much. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, September |
Karl Hammer Kaatee, October 2007 | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, October |
Kate Mosse, November 2007 | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, November |
Steve Berry, January 2008 In his novel, The Templar Legacy, a world bestseller, Barry tackled the mystery of Rennes-le-Château and linked it with the Knights Templar, past and present. In his latest book, just out, The Venetian Betrayal, Barry writes with authority on the mystery of Alexander the Great, amongst other esoteric topics. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, January |
Bill Kersey, February 2008 Today, Bill is continuing his research into the Visigoths and is rumoured to have made a discovery. Bill is a friend and research companion of Ben Hammott. He is believed to have had a hand in several of Hammott’s discoveries and is featured in the documentary, Bloodline. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, February |
Henry Lincoln, April 2008 Lincoln went on to author The Holy Place: Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau - Discovering the Eighth Wonder of the Ancient World, Key to the Sacred Pattern: The Untold Story of Rennes-le-Château and co-authored The Templars’ Secret Island: The Knights, The Priest and The Treasure, with Erling Haagensen. Lincoln’s legacy includes his dramatic and often murky first hand contact with Pierre Plantard and Gerald de Sède, the development of the Poussin aspect of the mystery, as well as the discovery of natural and man made pentagrams in the landscape around Rennes-le-Château. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008. April |
Hugo Soskin, August 2008 | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, August |
Guy Patton, January 2009 Patton offers a unique blend of historical and political perspective on the mystery. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2009, January |
Kathleen McGowan, February 2009 The Expected One and her new book The Book of Love, which is about to hit stores are based on 20 years of research on four continents into the history of women in Christianity and their long-forgotten role in the development of global spirituality. During her time abroad, McGowan’s quest was fueled by international folklore, mythology and universal storytelling in Europe and the Middle East. Her passion for legends that speak to the human spirit has earned her a devoted, worldwide fan base while making her a bestseller worldwide. A third generation native of Hollywood, Kathleen is as comfortable in the film world as she is in publishing, and has multiple film and television projects in various stages of development. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2009, February |
Tim Wallace-Murphy, May 2009 | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2009, May |
Rat Scabies, August 2009 | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2009, August |
French Language Interviews
André Douzet, Aôut 2007 Son intérêt pour le secret de Rennes-le-Château est devenu plus pointu au moment où il acquiert une maquette commanditée par un certain « monsieur le curé Saunière ». Cet étrange moulage en forme de paysage, après plusieurs années d’étude, révèle enfin la conclusion de l’ultime quête de Saunière : un lieu précis près de Périllos, identifié par Saunière abritant les « Tombeau du Christ » et « Tombeau de Joseph d’Arimathie ». Cette révélation, ouvrant une nouvelle dimension dans l’énigme de la découverte de cet ecclésiastique, crée un certain émoi dans le milieu des chercheurs… au point que certains, de moins en moins nombreux, refusent tout net ce nouvel élément incontournable, tant sont cimentées dans le paysage audois les vieilles croyances concernant ce sujet. Environ 15 ans après la découverte de la maquette, Douzet propose une mise à jour des dernières avancées, et précise ses projets et espoirs pour le futur. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, Aout |
Isaac Ben Jacob, Septembre 2007 Isaac a été journaliste chez France Soir, spécialiste des religions et des sciences. De tradition catholique mais convertit au protestantisme sur l’exemple de certains de ses ancêtres, il est le descendant d’une famille qui a compté nombre d’hommes d’état, de cardinaux, d’évêques, mais aussi d’aventuriers qui n’ont pas hésités au XVIIième siècle à quitter l’Europe pour leur Foi et à émigrer vers les Etats-Unis. C’est avant tout comme théologien et politique qu’il s’est intéressé à l’énigme de Rennes le Château. Pour lui le mystère de Bérenger Saunière est connu du Vatican depuis le début. Mais loin d’être un secret qui remettrait en question le Christianisme, les Evangiles et la vie du Christ, le mystère de l’abbé de Rennes-le-Château, une fois résolu, serait une terrible révélation sur l’histoire du Catholicisme, et sur le Culte des Morts, une religion secrète pratiquée par une secte gigantesque cachée au cœur de l’Eglise de Pierre. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007. Septembre |
Jean-Luc Chaumeil, Octobre 2007 C’était aussi Chaumeil qui a mis Henry Lincoln en liaison avec Pierre Plantard. Dans les années 1990, il est devenu expert pour le juge Fontaine dans l’affaire de l’Ordre du Temple Solaire. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, Octobre |
Antoine Captier, Décembre 2007 Natif de Rennes-le-Château, il a vu la transformation du village. Avec sa femme Claire Corbu, fille de Noël Corbu, il a écrit une étude des documents de Saunière. Captier est le Président de l’Association Terre de Rhedae, une des plus anciennes associations de chercheurs constituées autour de l’énigmatique affaire de Rennes-le-Château. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2007, Décembre |
Jean-Luc Robin, Janvier 2008 Les anecdotes innombrables au sujet du village, de son prêtre et de l’assortiment bizarre des chercheurs qu’il a rencontrés au cours des années font de son dernier livre une vraie joie. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, Janvier |
Christian Doumergue, Mars 2008 En 1997, il publie son premier ouvrage sur le sujet, puis, peu à peu, découvre le personnage de Marie-Madeleine. Ses recherches l’ont aujourd’hui amené… ou maintenant conduit vers l’histoire de Jésus… dans le Sud de la Gaule…. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, Mars |
Franck Daffos, Avril 2008 Radio Rennessence rencontrait l’auteur au sanctuaire le plus important de la France, Notre Dame de Marceille à Limoux. | Franck Daffos à Notre-Dame de Marceille 1sur2 door cocobrownlasectedupal Franck Daffos à Notre-Dame de Marceille 2sur2 door cocobrownlasectedupal | |
Viam de la Rosa, Mai 2008 Rejeté par sa famille, toutes ses qualités furent encore accentuées grâce à des Lamas Tibétains chez qui il suivit un enseignement dans les années 80 à Manille et pour lesquels il garde toujours une pensée pleine d’émotion. Il est l’auteur du roman « Opération: Jésus Genetic. De Hitler à Rennes-le-Château. » | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, Mai |
Thierry Garnier, Juin 2008 Passionné par le mystère de Rennes-le-Château, il est parti à la découverte de la région avec son ami Alain Caradec. Son ouvrage, L’Ile des Veilleurs, présente pour la première fois une connexion avérée entre le mystère de Rennes-le-Château et la région du Verdon. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, Juin |
Jean Brunelin, Juillet 2008 S’adonnant à la chasse aux trésors, c’est par l’entremise du célèbre Robert Charroux qu’il découvre l’affaire de Rennes-le-Château à 1967. Sa connaissance de l’histoire et le terrain du mystère sont aussi grands que sa photothèque de plus de 6.000 photos sur Rennes-le-Château et ses environs. Ses dernières recherches ont jetés une nouvelle lumière sure la fresque de Saunière. | Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your Flash plugin. | 2008, Juillet |
English Section | French Section | TOP | BOTTOM
Hi Corjan,
The play buttons have disappeared !
Thanks for informing me Robert. Problem with the caching. Everything should work again! Please let me know if you experience any more problems.
Cheers | Cj
my brother and I have recently written a book “Whispering Stones” which reveals many of the RLC secrets which researchers have skated all aroung because they don’t know what we have discovered. If you are interested in a sample of our findings please let me know and I will send you some clues and solutions never before discovered. these findings were hidden in plain sight on Poussins Painting and the Parchments. We are not pushing our book, we are just trying to get the information out. Again if interested in putting this information on your site let me send you some of the amazing findings we have and you be the judge. Thanks
I tried to mail you but the address doesn’t work. You can reach me through the contact form in the menu bar. Always interested to hear new ideas.
Thanks for stopping by | Raven
Hello, I am interested in learning more about your findings.
Thank you for your incredibly fascinating discoveries.
Hi from Sydney, Australia. Thank you for a wonderful site! We have travelled to Rennes, read and researched its mysteries for many years. Can you shed any light on why the statue of Jesus kneeling has the Alpha sign beneath the the statue of John standing has the Omega sign beneath. I have my own theory but would love to hear of others? Thanks and cheers, Nada
Where are the play buttons to listen to the interviews, I am in the US.